Advanced Task Manager

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Task Overview & Kill

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The running tasks are list here, you can also see the available memory and battery life in the title. You can just select the tasks that you want to kill, and click the super big button in the top, then the tasks selected will be killed.

Long click on a task in the list, you will get a poped up context menu, it will provide you more options to manipulate the task.

Click "menu" button of the phone, a menu will come out in the bottom of the screen to provide more functions & supports.


Ignore Task

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Ignore task means that the task will never be killed or auto-killed. If you want to ignore a task in the task list, just long click on it, then the poped up context menu will come out, click "Ignore".

Then the app will not in the task list anymore, you can find it in the ignore list, by click "menu" button on the phone, then comes out the menu, click Setting, and after setting activity started, click "Ignore List", finally you will find the ignore list.

Tap the item to remove the app from ignore list.

Here are some types of apps are suggested to be ignored:


Auto Kill

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Auto kill can kill tasks automatically when the screen is off, but it will only kill the tasks that was checked-on in the task list.

Auto kill is diabled by default, you can enable it in the Setting.

If it's enabled, Auto kill will occured on every screen off. If there were tasks killed and you enabled the Auto kill notice in the setting, a notice will showed after screen on.



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Advanced Task Killer provides an one-click widget that used to kill tasks by one click on the home desktop. You can add it to the home desktop by long click on the home desktop, click "Widgets" on the context menu, select Advanced Task Kill in the widget list.

By click the widget on the home desktop, it will kill tasks automatically like the Auto kill.

You can show available memory on the widget by enable it in the Setting.


For Froyo Users

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Froyo changed a lot and limit the api to kill tasks, task killer can not kill notification & service with the task, if you want to kill task thoroughly, long click on the task, and click "Force Close" menu, then click the "Force Close" button on the app details activity.

Froyo user can also kill services by click "menu" button, then click "Services" menu.

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